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Dr. Chris Furley, BVM&S, MRCVS, FZS, RAS. Specialist in Zoological Medicine

As a result of over 30 years’ experience with zoo animals and wildlife in a number of countries, I am happy to offer the first consultancy service for exotic & wildlife in captivity in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
I have experience of a wide range of bird and mammals, such as parrots, waterfowl, rheas & ostriches, deer, llamas and other species such as birds of prey.
Health programs and disease investigation for bird and reptile collections, incl. post-mortem service, death-in-shell and bird sexing
Advice on import-export of birds and exotic stock
Advice on capture & handling of deer and wild cattle, blood sampling for DEFRA requirements
Investigation of disease in deer, llamas etc
design of housing to comply with current legislation
advice on establishing new collections, either in the UK or overseas
training staff to feed and handle non-domestic species

Wildlife requires specialist
knowledge and expertise

In many cases a Zoo Licence or Dangerous Wild Animal Licence is required